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August 4-8 & 11-15, 2025

  Monday - Friday; 9 am - 3 pm 
  One or Two Week Sessions
 Campers entering 1st - 7th grades
 Registration Open

 PeaceCamp-098In a supportive and fun-filled environment, the Peace Camp at Gwynedd Friends helps campers find peace within themselves so that they are able to contribute to peaceful environments at home, at school, and with friends.

♦ Fun with New Friends
♦ Celebrate Differences
♦ Practice Creative Problem Solving
♦ Group Games, Music Storytelling 
♦ Arts & Crafts
♦ Explore Nature & Play Outdoors

The camp day runs from 9 am - 3 pm (with drop off between 8:30 am - 9 am). Children bring their own lunch and snacks. This is a tree-nut/peanut-free environment. 
Team building skills are important at Peace Camp, and children can learn through games to work together, overcome obstacles and reach goals through cooperation. 

The camp is held at the historic Gwynedd Friends (Quaker) Meeting. Outdoor activities, such as games and playground time, will be offered. Large, bright indoor areas are also used for activities. Gwynedd Friends is conveniently located at the intersection of Route 202 and Sumneytown Pike in Gwynedd, Pennsylvania.
“Our daughter really enjoyed her first time at Peace camp, especially
the music and yoga" 

- Parent of Peace Camp camper


More parent quotes from 2023:
"Thanks for giving our kids a wonderful
time to know and learn new things."
“We love sitting with new kids at lunch everyday.
That outside peace can be brought inside”.
"My camper loved Peace Camp and
can't wait to be back next year."


IMG 0526Registration is completed online. CLICK HERE to register. Please read the instructions carefully as you complete the registration form. 

Tuition is $300 per child per week, including a $50 non-refundable deposit. We offer online payments through our registration system. If you would still like to pay by check, you may also do so. Details are available on the registration form.

Peace Camp at Gwynedd Friends will follow local health department and CDC guidelines as it pertains to COVID-19 at the time of camp.

Peace Camp for Little Ones

Gwynedd Friends offers sessions for campers ages 3-5.
Please visit the PCLO website for more information. 

Contact Us:

   Phone: 215-699-3055


Mailing Address:
The Peace Camp at Gwynedd Friends
1101 DeKalb Pike
Gwynedd, PA 19454

Peace Camp is an activity of Gwynedd Friends Meeting, a non-profit organization. 
Arthur D'Adamo, 12/21/2020
Hello and welcome to our meeting. If you are a new visitor, we have a page for you which has answers to common questions about joining us for worship or other events.
Click here to see more.



 Welcome 1        

Folks come to us looking for a spiritual home. Please visit. Quakers believe in the presence of God in everyone. Regardless of race, nationality, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, or reason, you will find a warm welcome from us.
In addition to our belief in that of God in everyone, we believe in direct communion with the Divine. In other words, Spirit speaks and guide us directly. Our worship is in silence as we wait expectantly for that connection.
In worship we gather in silence, quiet our minds, calm our hearts, and seek the source of love and truth in our lives. At times, Friends feel called to stand and speak a message given from the divine.
We eagerly welcome believers of all faiths as fellow members of God's universal community. Our Meeting for Worship service, Sundays at 9:30 AM, is open to everyone in person and on a Zoom link. We also have Worship on Wednesday evenings at 8PM on the same Zoom link.
We enter our worship rooms quietly. The worship begins as you enter in silence. There are no assigned seats. We do not have a pastor who leads us.
We Quakers bear witness to our core beliefs through direct action on a variety of social concerns, like housing the homeless, supporting food banks, and standing vigil for peace. We work locally, nationally, and internationally. Quakers often say, “Our service begins when worship ends.” 
For Information on how to join worship via ZOOM, you can click here. You can expect a warm welcome and meaningful worship.
Click here for Childcare and Youth programs.

Click here for Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s).

Contact our Office Manager: Rochelle Tormollen, Address: 1101 DeKalb Pike, Gwynedd, PA 19454, Phone: 215-699-3055,
Email:  Your calls and emails will be returned.